… and will be again
… y lo volverá a ser
“Esta tierra fue mexicana una vez,
fue india siempre
y lo sigue siendo.
Y lo volverá a ser.”
“This land was Mexican once
was Indian always
and is.
And will be again.”
~ Gloria E. Anzaldúa
This solo show took place at ROJO gallery in San Antonio, TX. Its title is derived from Gloria Anzaldua’s poem in Borderlands/La Frontera. In thinking about the past, present and future of the land beneath our feet, I challenge myself and others to contend with the ambiguity of navigating Indigeneity, displacement and decolonization on Turtle Island/Abya Yala. Having roots in Central Mexico, I was raised in Yanaguana/Somi Se’k/San Antonio. I travelled to Narragansett/Wampanoag lands to attend university and to Lumbee/Tuscarora lands for work. In coming home once again, I contemplate what it means to be a responsible relative in kinship and solidarity with Indigenous Nations on stolen land. Using cast glass, video games and mixed media, this show attempts to make sense of these questions.
The Guest Book / Registro de Huespedes
made from Lumbee/Tuscarora land
made from Narragansett/Wampanoag land 1, 2 and 3
Documentation of how cast pieces were made. Molten glass is poured and pressed into soil.
Ensueńo + Earthcontroller
on the land, reaching
pies descalzos II